The Classic 2.0 Equestrian Belt Bag - Black


Our classic belt bag v2.0! The dimensions on this one are a fraction different than our original bag, and this one comes in more colours. Simple, effective, and affordable! Best yet you can wear it anywhere.

Equestrian belt bags by Breeches & Bays: 

The simplest way to enjoy your rides stress-free, knowing you can call anyone when you need and keep on top of your messages.

It doesn't matter if you're in the arena, out on the trails, or at the beach - our Equestrian Belt Bags will safely house your mobile phone (and EFTPOS cards!) so you don't have to worry about cumbersome pockets or wedging your phone in your bra. Yep. We've been there too.

Dimensions: 18 x 11 cm

Suits phones: iPhone 11 & down. 

Please be sure to measure your phone with its case on, as some cases (such as silicone) can make the phones a lot bulkier than they are without. If you're not sure, message us on FaceBook and we're happy to help size you!

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